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Cleaning House: A Large Food Manufacturer Adds Portable Industrial Vacuums to Improve Plant Sanitation & Safety

According to a recent study by Eastern Research Group, poor plant and equipment sanitation ranks among the top food safety issues in food manufacturing. In fact, according to a report by Swiss Re2, the number of food product recalls has doubled since 2002. Regulations such as the FDA's 21 CFR 110 Current Good Manufacturing Practice in Manufacturing, Packing, or Holding Human Food, have tried to address the growing issue. 

Application Stories

Aero-Mechanical Conveyors

VAC-U-MAX Aerocon Aero-Mechanical Convey System for the Paint Industry

Multiple Recipes, Ingredients, and Bulk Densities: One...

Aero-Mechanical Conveyors

Aero-Conveying: The Best of Both Technologies

Moving powders, pelletized materials, or granular bulk materials to...

Aero-Mechanical Conveyors

When to Convey Pneumatically & When to Convey Mechanically

While pneumatic conveying is by far the most hygienic conveying...